GMRT Low-frequency Imaging of an Extended Sample of X-shaped Radio Galaxies
Dharam V. Lal, Biny Sebastian, C. C. Cheung, A. Pramesh Rao
Astronomical Journal
We present a low-frequency imaging study of an extended sample of X-shaped radio sources using the Giant Metrewave radio telescope (GMRT) at two frequencies (610 and 240 MHz). The sources were drawn from a Very Large Array FIRST-selected sample and extends an initial GMRT study at the same frequencies, of 12 X-shaped radio galaxies predominantly from the 3CR catalog (Lal & Rao 2007). Both the intensity maps and spectral index maps of the 16 newly observed sources are presented. With the
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... sample of 28 X-shaped radio sources, we found no systematic differences in the spectral properties of the higher surface brightness, active lobes versus the lower surface brightness, off-axis emission. The properties of the combined sample are discussed, including the possible role of a twin active galactic nuclei model in the formation of such objects.