Relationship among body condition, subcutaneous fat and production performance of Jersey crossbred cows [post]

Champak Bhakat
2019 unpublished
To determine relationship between BCS, ramp fatthickness, body measurements and milk yield, a total of 44Jersey crossbred cows were observed from calving to 120days post-partum. The ultrasonography images wererecorded from rump region during entire experimentalperiod. Statistically analyzed data revealed that BCS, HG,THT were significantly (P<0.05) less in group 1 thangroup 2 and group 3. RFT/BFT differences were significant(P<0.05) among 3 groups. More RFT was found in highBCS group
more » ... wed by medium and low BCS group. TheBCS was having strong and significant (P<0.01) correlationwith RFT and body weight of animals. The RFT wassignificantly (P<0.01) correlated with body weight, milkyield, HG, THT and AG. The higher BCS group, lost RFT,BCS and BW faster than other 2 groups to support milkproduction. It can be concluded that BCS at calving can beused as a reliable criterion in choosing Jersey crossbredcows for higher milk production at organized farm.
doi:10.31220/ fatcat:dx7aaqwmd5c6vgkxrygzkojirm