Deliverable 2.1 - Report Describing Cumulative Assessment Groups For A Broad Range Of Chemicals, Based On Information Extracted From (Literature) Databases

K Kyriakopoulou, D Nikolopoulou, K Machera, A Peijnenburg, D Louca‐ Christodoulou, P Hadjiloizou, A Beronius, H Håkansson, A Hanberg, I Eberini, E Rorije
2017 Zenodo  
This report describes chemical substances relevant for the EuroMix Project; that is pesticide and non‐pesticide chemicals which can be grouped into cumulative assessment groups (CAGs) for consideration in cumulative risk assessment (CRA). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has previously published an Opinion describing the approach to be followed for grouping pesticides into CAGs based on their toxicological profile. The present report takes into consideration the EFSA Opinion for
more » ... des and introduces a similar strategy to be considered for grouping of non‐pesticide chemicals into CAGs. For this purpose, a broad list of chemical substances was compiled into a Chemical Inventory (CI). So far, the CI contains approximately 1000 substances of different chemical categories.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1065327 fatcat:sjavpwxr3bdkbbrjxd2lhhot2i