Systems And Computer Science: A Curriculum For The Twenty First Century

Don M. Coleman, Arthur S. Paul
1997 Annual Conference Proceedings   unpublished
This paper discusses the evolution of an innovative curriculum in Systems and Computer Science being offered by a department within the School of Engineering, Howard University. It presents key concepts and principles of systems engineering. It discusses how the merger of systems engineering and computer science addresses some of the deficiencies identified by critics of current engineering education, and prepares students to meet the engineering and computer science needs for the 21 st
more » ... This paper discusses the values of the Department of Systems and Computer Science (SCS), including the measures selected for judging the effectiveness of the curriculum. It identifies some pockets of success and areas of weakness based on preliminary analyses of a small sample of data.
doi:10.18260/1-2--6809 fatcat:awcnqeo3mjabnfaptkliv7j74y