Spontaneous sublingual hematoma: Surgical or non-surgical management?

Evgeni Brotfain, Leonid Koyfman, Schwartz Andrey, Efim Rusabrov, Amit Frenkel, Alexander Zlotnik, Moti Klein
2012 International Journal of Case Reports and Images  
Spontaneous sublingual hematoma (SSH) is an uncommon, but emergency state in oral cavity. A few series of SSH are seen in the literature. There is no available consensus about clinical strategy and management of such patients. Case Series: The authors present two cases of spontaneous sublingual hematoma after anticoagulation therapy with sintrom (case 1) and warfarin (case 2). The different clinical management was applied in each case (surgical and supportive treatment respectively). The
more » ... l approach was complicated by septic state and multiple organ failure which led to patient's death. Conclusion: The main priority of physician's strategy is based on airway protection. Otherwise, there are some different clinical points of view about management SSH (correction of anticoagulation state with blood products\vitamin K or aggressive surgical drainage). Based on previously reported series and our clinical experience (case 2) we consider that surgical intervention has a lot of complications and unsafe for the patients. The nonoperative plan of treatment is more benefit and optimal.
doi:10.5348/ijcri-2012-01-79-cs-1 fatcat:s76olrukz5hbrkbzrih33gtoh4