Using on-board electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in battery management systems

Andreas Christensen, Adetunji Adebusuyi
2013 2013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS27)  
As the need for better prediction of battery life parameters in secondary batteries evolves, especially for electric vehicles, many researchers have looked for methods beyond simple battery modeling. One of the promising methods is electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. This is typically a technique used to get insight on the kinetic reactions in batteries and various studies have shown excellent correlation between impedance data and the state of health and ageing effects in lithium-ion
more » ... ies. In this article the benefits of using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in battery management systems will be studied as it has been shown by multiple researchers that it is possible to develop an embedded electrochemical impedance spectroscopy circuit. The accuracy of currently available models based on impedance data deteriorates over time and to enable a battery management system to keep accurate predictions on state of health and other ageing-related effects there is a need for on-board electrochemical impedance measurements. Aspects such as SoH, balancing, battery ageing, and second life is discussed in relation to electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and battery management systems.
doi:10.1109/evs.2013.6914969 fatcat:qtms2loevvc6da3bsywkj5q4wm