Krishnaraju.A, Ramkumar.R, Sreenivasan.K
2020 Zenodo  
Scientists and engineers in the whole time history have turned to nature for encouragement and dreams for trouble solving for the real time environments. By observing the performance of groups of bees and ants are working together has given to a rise to the 'swarm intelligence concepts'. One of the most interesting and new explore area of recent decades towards the impressive challenge of robotics is the design of swarm robots that are self-independent and self intelligence one. This concept
more » ... be essential for robots exposed to environment that are shapeless or not easily available for an individual operator, such as a distorted construction, the deep sea, or the surface of another planet. In this paper, we present a study on the basic bio-inspirations of swarm and its physical configurations, such as reconfigurability, replication and self-assembly. By introducing the swarm concepts through swarm-bot, which offers mainly miniaturization with robustness, flexibility and scalability. This paper discusses about the various swarmbot intelligence, self-assembly and self-reconfigurability among the most important and capabilities as well as functionality to swarm robots
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3729179 fatcat:yk2xbz2d3zharfplfouplpwlqa