Photonic Transmission of a Circular Aperiodic Superlattice Made of GaAs and Metamaterial Equivalent of NaCl

Michal Szota
2018 Revista de Chimie  
The article analyzes the transmission properties of a circular aperiodic superlattices in the visible light range. The tests were carried out for the metamaterial equivalent of NaCl, which was defined as material A and GaAs - material B. Structure with the generation number of the L = {3, 4} circular superlattices was analyzed for P and S type of polarization. The structures were made of 250 nm and 300 nm layers thickness. The tests showed differences in transmission depending on the
more » ... n. Also shown is the effect of increasing the thickness of the layers on the transmission.
doi:10.37358/rc.18.1.6066 fatcat:nqdnbzx4nrgx7biumfxn6qwbfi