Art. II.—A Persian Manuscript attributed to Fakhru' ddīn Rāzī

Reynold A. Nicholson
1899 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland  
This manuscript, which is now in my possession, has unfortunately lost anumber of pages at the beginning. Neither title nor author's name occurs in the text, but inside the cover an old Oriental penman has left the following inscription:, "The Preservation of Health, composed by Imām Fakhru' ddīn Rāzī — may God make bright his tomb! "The colophon is:Hājī Khalīfa (under) ascribes to Hippocrates a work with this title, addressed to King Antiochus, but does not mention the translator nor the language into which itwas rendered.
doi:10.1017/s0035869x00026083 fatcat:bid2aw2c3zhhhnnjfgxm6u5wae