Comparative observations of lingualized occlusion and monoplane occlusion in the treatment of severe atrophy of edentulous mandible

Gyo-zin Ahn, Joon-Seok Lee
2018 Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science  
The patient who has severely absorbed residual ridges, treatments are challenging to satisfy many factors: support, retention, stability, etc. The neutral zone or monoplane occlusion with non-anatomical tooth would be helpful to get additional retention and stability. The monoplane occlusion has been used long time because it can eliminate horizontal forces and many other advantages. The lingualized occlusion was introduced to improve chewing efficiency and esthetics. But from a stability
more » ... , it seems controversy between monoplane occlusion and lingualized occlusion. This case report shows the results of the treat two flat residual ridge patients using functional impression; piezography, and made 2 other dentures with monoplane and lingualized occlusion that patient can select denture. (J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2018;34(2):127-36)
doi:10.14368/jdras.2018.34.2.127 fatcat:e4d7mbbehbc5nmccacmeyzocgy