Dynamic Characteristics of Tiny Ultrasonic Linear Actuators

Hermes Hernández, Ramiro Velázquez
2011 International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering  
This paper investigates the impacts of a wind farm connected at Harterbeespoort substation in South Africa on voltage stability of the power network. The site wind speed was determined and analyzed for viability. A comparison is made between the use of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators and Self-excited Induction Generators driven by the wind turbines. The resulting P-V and Q-V curves from load flow studies are presented and analyzed. The models for this study were implemented in DigSILENT
more » ... tory. Dynamic Characteristics of Tiny Ultrasonic Linear Actuators Hermes Hernández, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Ramiro Velázquez, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico Tiny ultrasonic linear actuators (TULAs) are used in many industrial applications and a full characterization of their dynamic behavior is needed. This paper presents a detailed theoretical-experimental study of TULAs. The general structure and operation principle of TULAs are introduced. The actuator dynamics is then described using a simple piezoelectric model. In practice, TULAs are most often used as actuators for positioning mechanisms. The proposed model includes electromechanical relations which offer designers a broad range of possibilities for precise positioning and reliable model-based control. TULAs are experimentally investigated to determine the conditions that allow an optimal performance. Calibration of measuring instruments provides the confidence in measurements. It is the obligation of every laboratory to have its measuring equipment calibrated in regular intervals. This obligation means that the laboratory must send its equipment to the calibration laboratory every year or two depending on the calibration intervals. During this time the equipment is not available and this presents a financial burden to the laboratory of the customer. Since many of the modern instruments include some communication interfaces, it was made
doi:10.4018/ijmtie.2011010102 fatcat:25f5hzvttjbdrfdn7tymtdpoyi