Mutual Coupling Reduction of MIMO Antennas using Parasitic Elements for Wireless Communications

O. F.Ahmed, R. S. Ghoname, A. A. Zekry
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
A compact two element MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) system is proposed using H-shape antenna with parasitic elements employing polarization diversity. The proposed MIMO system offers improved bandwidth; return loss, separation between antenna elements and isolation characteristics. The system resonates at 2.36GHz and 5.2 GHz frequencies with VSWR ≥2, which can be used for 4G & WiMAX applications. The simulation results of return loss, mutual coupling, correlation coefficient and gain
more » ... presented. The design is performed by using Ready-made software package Zeland-IE3D. The antennas are fabricated using thin film and photolithographic technique and measured using the Vector Network Analyzer. Good agreements were found between the simulated and measured results.
doi:10.5120/10192-5056 fatcat:fund4yqa7rgppkpwzwcjiajute