LQG/LTR control system design for a low-pressure feedwater heater train with time delay

G.V. Murphy, J.M. Bailey
[Proceedings] IECON '90: 16th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society  
An LQG/LTR control system design is formulated for a feedwater heater train with output time delay. This approach involves factoring the feedwater healer train plant into nonniinimum and minimum phase components to allow the design of a robust controller lor the minimum phase component of the plant using the LQG/LTR technique (minimum phase method). The nonminimum phase component lakes ihe form of an allpass Tiller containing the rhp zeroes of the first-order approximation of the lime delay
more » ... onent. Using (his nonmimmum phase all-pass filler, certain singular-value multiplicative error bounds can be established to obtain a stable control system when using the LQG/LTR design technique on the minimum phase component of the plant. New analysis methods using singular values are integrated into ihc conventional singular-value performance and stability robustness analysis procedure. These new analysis methods allow computation of the maximum allowable lime delay before instability occurs for both SISO and M1MO control systems.
doi:10.1109/iecon.1990.149129 fatcat:jznazyffyjfa3bjr7nnr5ded3e