Identification of tiller age categories based on morphogenetic responses of continuously stocked marandu palisade grass fertilised with nitrogen

Adenilson José Paiva, Lilian Elgalise Techio Pereira, Sila Carneiro da Silva, Raphael Antonio Prado Dias
2015 Ciência Rural  
Nitrogen fertilization augments tiller appearance and death, modifying the age profile of tiller population. Tillers from different age categories present distinct responses to environmental factors and management practices characterized by variation in their morphogenetic responses, which interfere in the dynamics of the herbage accumulation process. In that context, rates of leaf appearance and elongation and leaf lifespan were used as indicators to identify tiller age categories of
more » ... ly stocked marandu palisade grass managed at 30cm and subjected to nitrogen fertilization regimes using cluster analysis. Analysis was based on the average distance method using combined means of the response-variables studied, and the results used to build a dendogram to illustrate the arrangement of the resulting clusters. Three clusters were identified corresponding to the tiller age categories denominated young (tillers with age between 0 and 60 days), mature (between 60 and 120 days) and old (over 120 days). Discrimination of the tiller age categories according to nitrogen fertilization regime followed the same pattern of clustering. The fact demonstrates consistency and indicates the three age categories as reference for detailed studies regarding the ecophysiology of marandu palisade grass.
doi:10.1590/0103-8478cr20120738 fatcat:l4zcixvahrcinmlrifcf3ztczi