Towards an Electronic Interferometer based on Spin-Resolved Quantum Hall Edge States

B Karmakar, D Venturelli, L Chirolli, F Taddei, V Giovannetti, R Fazio, S Roddaro, G Biasiol, L Sorba, L N Pfeiffer, K W West, V Pellegrini (+1 others)
2013 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Effect of an in-plane magnetic field on microwave photoresistance and Shubnikov-de Haas effect in high-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells A Bogan, A T Hatke, S A Studenikin et al. -Nonequilibrium currents in the quantum Hall effect regime spatially resolved by transport experiment M V Budantsev, A G Pogosov, D A Pokhabov et al. -Recent citations Time-dependent simulation and analytical modelling of electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometry with edge-states wave packets Andrea Beggi et al -This
more » ... ent was downloaded from IP address on 24/07 Abstract. Spin resolved edge states are ideal candidates for the implementation of dual-rail quantum computation architectures by encoding the qubit in the spin degree of freedom of the co-propagating edge states. An important element for the realization of such architectures is a coherent beam splitter that controllably mixes the two co-propagating spin-resolved edge channels. Coupling of the spin resolved edge states is demonstrated recently by spin-flip scattering event that is induced by in-plane spatially-dependent periodic magnetic field of the nano-magnet array placed at the boundary of the mesa. In this paper we discuss the nanofabrication and our preliminary transport analysis of an electronic interferometer device made of two nano-magnetic arrays placed in close proximity. The impact of temperature in the coherent properties of the devices is addressed.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/456/1/012019 fatcat:icyqct23rfbgfhznjs7g6jmnra