A Case of Functional and Esthetic Rehabilitation by Increased Occlusal Vertical Dimension with Prosthetic Treatment

Hiroshi Suzuki
2008 Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi  
Patient: The patient was a 72-year-old woman who presented with chief complaints of masticatory and esthetic impairment due to detachment of a bridge in the anterior tooth region. These symptoms were attributed to displacement of the mandibular position caused by an untreated defect in the mandibular molar region and extrusion of the mandibular anterior tooth region associated with reductions in the occlusal vertical dimension of the molar region. The occlusal vertical dimension was restored
more » ... ng a denture with an occlusal splint as treatment denture, and functional and esthetic recovery was observed. Discussion: Establishment of stable occlusal support in the molar region is thought to be utmost importance in stabilizing prosthesis of the anterior tooth region. Conclusion: Although a unilateral defect was observed in the mandibular molar region, use of a denture with an occlusal splint enabled bilateral elevation in addition to creation of denture space in the maxilla. The occlusal splint region was then replaced with prosthesis to obtain a stable occlusal relationship in the molar region and simultaneously to facilitate functional and esthetic recovery of the anterior tooth region.
doi:10.2186/jjps.52.416 pmid:18678980 fatcat:emy3rjgc3nb6hf2g5g3jnlc4zm