Marketing Mix Effect and Quality Product Purchase Decision on Rice Pandaraman in South Tapanuli Region

Mei Linda Sipayung, Asmina Herawaty Sinaga
2017 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
One of the factors that influence purchasing decisions by consumers is the marketing mix and product quality. The rice producers Pandaraman doing marketing mix for their products that lead to purchase decisions by consumers and always look at the quality of product to production. The result is a combination of marketing and product quality simultaneously powerful and significant influence on purchasing decisions Pandaraman rice employees in South Tapanuli region. Marketing mix variables most
more » ... inant in improving employee purchasing decisions Pandaraman rice in South Tapanuli region. Partially each variable marketing mix and product quality and significant positive influence on purchasing decisions Pandaraman rice employees in South Tapanuli region. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the marketing mix variables and product quality able to explain the purchase decision Pandaraman rice employees in South Tapanuli region amounted to 66.8% while the independent variables explain the remaining 33.2% were not examined
doi:10.9790/487x-1903028589 fatcat:lejtkxgvknejdetk3vvcjpmbne