Customized Toric Soft Contact Lens in the Management of Advanced Keratoconus

Haile Woretaw Alemu
2018 Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology  
A 33 year old medical doctor complained of bilateral gradual reduction of distant vision for the past 4 months. He was a known case of keratoconus and was referred to LV Prasad Eye Institute for further management. Following extensive examination, both eyes showed advanced keratoconus. With refraction, vision improved to 20/40 and 20/20 for the right and left eye respectively. Rigid gas permeable contact lenses trials were performed but were unsatisfactory. Then, customized hydrogel toric soft
more » ... ontact lens trials were done which improved the right eye vision to 20/25 and left eye to 20/20. Custom made hydrogel toric soft contact lens improved vision secondary to advanced keratoconus. Delhi J Ophthalmol 2018;29;73-75; Doi
doi:10.7869/djo.406 fatcat:k3efbqivszhn5bnrqwucjcv26u