Sea Surface Characterization using Dual Polarized GNSS Reception System

Ankit Regmi, Aarno Parssinen, Markus Berg
2020 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)   unpublished
GNSS signal reception using Dual Circular Polarized method has been proposed to simultaneously record direct and reflected signals from the sea surface. Dual circular polarized reception (DCPR) system gives the opportunity to exploit the polarization change of the incident signal after reflection. This paper reports received signal characteristics of various GPS satellites for bare sea conditions. The received signals from various satellites are compared and are analyzed statistically to
more » ... erize the sea-state. The reflected left-hand circular polarized (LHCP) signal is used to analyze the scattering characteristics of sea surface. The statistics of LHCP signal give strong correlation with the wind speed over the sea and can be used to characterize the sea-state.
doi:10.23919/eucap48036.2020.9135227 fatcat:hh4grssggvfz5mn6jbzv6tqacy