Communion by extension: discrepancies between policy and practice

David Walker
2008 Rural Theology  
The growing practice of Communion by Extension was given formal authorisation by the Church of England General Synod in 2000 with the expectation that it would be used in particular circumstances, including explicitly the rural multi-church benefice. This paper reviews the historical origins of the practice of Communion by Extension and clarifies the intentions of the authorisation given in 2000. Then the intentions of the 2000 authorisation are compared and contrasted with current parochial
more » ... ctice within one English diocese. Considerable divergence is found. Five main themes are identified and discussed: the relationship between worship and mission; the pressures on clerical time; sacramental selfsufficiency; the value given to familiarity; and the choice between reservation and congregationalism.
doi:10.1179/rut_2008_6_1_002 fatcat:gk6q6izxhnftddbibjyqq7tbza