Europe-In-Between through the eyes of Cohen and Dugin

Jurica Botić
2013 Dela  
Article offers a comparative analysis of the geopolitical approaches from U.S. and Rus sian geopoliticians, Saul B. Cohen and Alexander Dugin, in determining the position of EuropeInBetween in contemporary World. The article presents a spatial definition of this term, introduced in the scientific literature by F. Tunjić, and an overview of this area in terms of maritime and continental geopolitics through the reflections of the above mentioned geopoliticians. We are also comparing the current
more » ... opolitical moment with the tendencies shown in the papers of these authors to determine the future geopolitical developments in the EuropeInBetween.
doi:10.4312/dela.40.9.163-178 fatcat:ktbwvwklsfaonf6iu3iq3wsbfu