Mapping and modelling of glacier drainage in the Pâkitsoq basin, central West Greenland

H.H Thomsen
1988 Rapport Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse  
Mapping of surface hydrology and modeIling of glacier hydraulicsat the margin of the Inland Ice north-east of Jakobshavn have been used for investigating glacier drainage. The work is part of the hydropower investigations at Pâkitsoq in a drainage basin proposed for a local hydropower project. Excluding its Inland Ice sector the basin covers an area of 33.6 km2 and is situated at about 200-600 m a.s.l. (fig. 1; Thomsen, 1988, fig. 1). The main part of the runoff from the basin is meltwater from
more » ... the ice sheet draining through three lakes, 326, 233 and 187. Lake 187 and 233 are proposed as two separate reservoirs, with tunnels leading to the fjord north-west of the basin.
doi:10.34194/rapggu.v140.8049 fatcat:hx5dctnjqna3fhrvheao4zjha4