The Rise and Fall of CSR in Italian Local Government

Luca Bisio
2018 Symphonya Emerging Issues in Management  
CSR is an essential intangible business asset increasingly understood as a critical success factor in global markets. A new connotation of corporate responsibility, combined with a modern approach to CSR interpreted in a competitive key, can bring together economic and socio-environmental performance needs by providing adequate responses to a wide range of stakeholders. This, however, requires guaranteeing sustainability from an economic point of view as well as credibility in terms of the
more » ... ges conveyed with the related communication tools. The Italian public sector has attempted to incorporate the managerial approach developed in the private sector, yet after a period of great attention to this issue, a gradual decline has manifested in the instruments supporting social responsibility and the importance they play in the internal programming, reporting, and communications cycle. About 20 years after the introduction of the social report, it is possible to affirm that this tool has not been rooted in the practices of Italian public administrations.
doi:10.4468/2018.1.12bisio fatcat:hgl2lc22efhf7avtg6a5wsieeu