Purification of Aluminium Cast Alloy Melts through Precipitation of Fe-Containing Intermetallic Compounds

Marina Gnatko, Cong Li, Alexander Arnold, Bernd Friedrich
2018 Metals  
Aluminium secondary materials are often contaminated by impurities such as iron. As the alloy properties are affected by impurities, it is necessary to refine aluminium melts. The formation of Fe intermetallics in aluminium melts can be used to develop a purification technology based on the removal of intermetallic compounds. In this study, the temperature range for effective separation of intermetallics was determined in an industrial-relevant Al–Si–Fe–Mn system with 6 to 10 Si wt. %, 0.5 to
more » ... 0 Fe wt. %, and 0 to 2.0 Mn wt. %. Based on DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) and SEM (scanning electron microscope) results and following the rules of phase boundary drawing, isopleths were drawn. This method allows to derive the temperature ranges of intermetallic phase stability and can be applied for the assessment of melt-refining parameters.
doi:10.3390/met8100796 fatcat:feyswt4defg7borc3bsf2rdhti