Eudjen CINC
Journal Plus Education
It is undeniable that tradition and culture form a nation's "mirror of the soul". In accordance with this the cultural heritage of a country with all its elements is the reflection of the existence of every nation (Stolic, 2017:182). It is clear to everyone that the young are the successors and carriers of the nation's cultural identity, but it is also well known that children cannot often come across and in that way learn about the cultural heritage of their country. The way of dressing and
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... e is different today and traditional songs and games are rarely listened to and performed (Stolic, 2017:182). Therefore, it is necessary to periodically influence and enrich their lives with traditional national songs and games. National songs and games with singing can be present in the children's lives from their birth. Through an adequate selection and usage the children will in an unobtrusive way become familiar with their national heritage through song and play (Stolic, 2017). The topics of national song and games can be diverse, but humorous and love texts are the most common. Also common are the texts which describe work in the fields or the process of other types of work. Methodic actions Depending on the selection of the song or game with singing, the preschool teachers need to make an adequate atmosphere. They need to familiarize the children with the origin of the song or game. Firstly they can familiarize the children with: significant historic information and characteristics of the nation that produced the song, how the song or game was created, at what occasions it is performed, the way in which the people who made the song dressed and lived at the time when the song or game were created, and many other facts (Pavlić-Mandić, 1979: 5−6). For the children to become more involved the preschool teachers need to familiarize the things which are usually unknown to them. It would be desirable to equip the classroom in the spirit of the people's daily lives, also the costum that follows the given song or game, e.g, to show them as many elements, pictures, items, clothes, shoes and other things as possible. If there's a possibility, the preschool teacher can wear appropriate clothes, i.e. traditional clothing that was worn back then. In regard to what was mentioned, it is necessary to think of a motivational preparation as an introduction to the methodical articulation of the activity. The introduction part of the activity serves as an emotional preparation within which a certain feeling is made and awakes interest in children. (Đurković-Pantelić, 1998:105). The motivational preparation is followed by a learning announcement (Đurković-Pantelić, 1998:105). To make the task more interesting, an enigmatic question can be asked, e.g., What kind of a miracle has happened in Budim city? In that way, the children can surely actively listen to the teacher's performance so that they could "discover" and find the answer to the asked question, and at the same time "experience" the song. Then comes a short conversation about the happenings in the song and feelings that the children have experienced while listening to the performance.