COVID-19 Salgın Sürecinde Yaşlılağa Bakış: 280 Karakter Yaşlılar Hakkında Ne Söylüyor?

2020 Turkish Studies  
After the World Health Organization declared 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as a pandemic in March 2020, which has been declared as an "enemy of humanity" by the Secretary General of the World Health Organization and is considered an epidemic disease that needs to be protected from all segments of the society. One of these measures is the curfew imposed on individuals aged 65 and over. Although the curfew imposed on individuals aged 65 and over aims to be protective, a high percentage of
more » ... VID-19 cases and mortality rates consist of individuals aged 65 and above, making this disease an "elderly disease" and the most disadvantaged group affected by COVID-19. The emphasis on age, both in political discussions and regulations and in news discourse during the pandemic period, caused elderly individuals who faced age-based discrimination in the pre-COVID-19 period to be exposed to more severe discriminatory attitudes not only in daily life but also in various media environments. One of the media environments where discrimination against the elderly is reflected during the pandemic process is social media. In addition to real concerns about the situation of older adults due to Covid-19, negative content about the elderly is also encountered on social networks (Jimenez et al., 2020 (Jimenez et al., : 1662. Accordingly, the study examines the reflections of aging and aging content on Twitter due to COVID-19. Within the scope of the study, a total of 221 tweets posted on Twitter between 12 March and 31 May 2020 were evaluated using the content analysis method. According to the results of the research, there are more disturbing content for the elderly due to COVID-19 than the tweets that are in fear and panic and therefore state that the elderly should be helped. In addition, in the tweets posted, it has been found that COVID-19 is trivialized because it mostly affects the elderly. Therefore, it has been concluded that during the epidemic, concern and interest about elderly people decreased and ageism discourse increased on Twitter. The immediate results not only encourage discourses of exclusion towards older adults, but also create a perception that over 65 are more dangerous than "cautious" and society does not need older adults. As a result, it is thought that the discriminatory and exclusionary attitudes towards the elderly have started to increase on Twitter, which is an extension of daily life and is one of the social media platforms that allows us to stay connected even in times of crisis, not only complicating the daily life styles of the elderly during the pandemic process, but also causing the tension between generations to intensify. Structured Abstract: Due to the panic created by the reports in the media, the attitudes and behaviors of the public towards the risk groups are reflected in the legitimization of age-based discrimination, as well as elderly abuse and neglect. The pressure or function of social clichés in times of crisis can reach a strength that will cause them to build themselves inadequate and worthless for most older people. As a result, the issue of how
doi:10.7827/turkishstudies.44432 fatcat:p4d2gzvr3naizjsyccneurpcm4