3D Model Based Acquisition Design for Imaging the Deep Vienna Basin

S. Pfeiler, M. Fuchsluger, C. Stotter, W. Chwatal, E. Brückl
2011 73rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2011   unpublished
For imaging the deep buried structures of the deep Vienna Basin all available subsurface information of the investigation area are combined in a three dimensional model, including seismic velocity and attenuation. This model is used to design a target orientated acquisition design, by determining the main acquisition parameters and by applying ray tracing to get the illumination of the deep horizons. The different ray tracing options of the used software are compared to get adequate
more » ... results in respect to the calculation time. The result is used for pattern dimensioning and is compared with the Neogene Basin Survey, which is already carried out in the 1980´s and designed for the Neogene section above the deep Vienna Basin.
doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20149375 fatcat:cgue3io2vraydhplhpzo2vzchy