Multigene expression patterns predict metastatic behavior

Karen L Schmeichel
2001 Breast Cancer Research  
Keywords Assays of invasion, breast cancer cell lines, cDNA arrays, metastasis, prognostic indicators Context Comparative gene expression analysis of clinically derived breast cancer specimens or established breast cancer cell lines is a promising approach for the identification of critical breast-cancer-related gene clusters. The aim of this study was to use array technology to identify patterns that could be predictive for a specific metastatic behavior (i.e. weakly or highly invasive), as
more » ... sured by a number of in vitro assays. As proof-of-principle for future diagnostic scenarios, the authors proposed to test the predictive capacity of these "consensus expression profiles" in the context of other breast cancer cell lines whose metastatic behavior had not been systematically characterized in vitro.
doi:10.1186/bcr-2001-68467 fatcat:h4enrzezijherfzmf7ulqk5d5q