Secondary organic aerosol production from pinanediol, a semi-volatile surrogate for first-generation oxidation products of monoterpenes

Penglin Ye, Yunliang Zhao, Wayne K. Chuang, Allen L. Robinson, Neil M. Donahue
2017 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions  
We have investigated the production of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from pinanediol (PD), a precursor chosen as a semi-volatile surrogate for first-generation oxidation products of monoterpenes. Observations at the CLOUD facility at CERN have shown that oxidation of organic compounds such as PD can be an important contributor to new-particle formation. Here we focus on SOA mass yields and chemical composition from PD photo-oxidation in the CMU smog chamber. To determine the SOA mass yields
more » ... om this semi-volatile precursor, we had to address partitioning of both the PD and its oxidation products to the chamber walls. After correcting for these losses, we found OA loading dependent SOA mass yields from PD oxidation that ranged between 0.1 and 0.9 for SOA concentrations between 0.02 and 20&amp;thinsp;µg&amp;thinsp;m<sup>&amp;minus;3</sup>, these mass yields are 2&amp;ndash;3 times larger than typical of much more volatile monoterpenes. The average carbon oxidation state measured with an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer was around &amp;minus;0.7. We modeled the chamber data using a dynamical two-dimensional volatility basis set and found that a significant fraction of the SOA comprises low volatility organic compounds that could drive new-particle formation and growth, which is consistent with the CLOUD observations.
doi:10.5194/acp-2017-943 fatcat:f6frbl6nuvbn7o5reaxjim3zlm