Luminescent Solar Concentrators

J. S. Batchelder, A. H. Zewail, T. Cole, Satyendra K. Deb
1980 Role of Electro-Optics in Photovoltaic Energy Conversion  
Techniques and calculations are presented that give explicit expressions for the over-all performance of a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) in terms of the intrinsic spectral response and quantum efficiency of its constituents. We examine the single dye (or inorganic ion) LSC with emphasis on the planar geometry. Preliminary data on the degradation of candidate LSC dyes under severe weathering conditions are also given. Armed with our experimental results and analysis of solar absorption,
more » ... lf-absorption, and solar cell efficiency, we present a new genre of solar concentrator with a theory of operation for the device.
doi:10.1117/12.970592 fatcat:7jutie6fkzbkhdbeef3xs6ddey