Enhancement of images using various histogram equalization techniques

Deepak Kumar
2013 IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering  
Image enhancement is a mean as the improvement of an image appearance by increasing dominance of some features or by decreasing ambiguity between different regions of the image. Image enhancement processes consist of a collection of techniques that seek to improve the visual appearance of an image or to convert the image to a form better suited for analysis by a human or machine. Various enhancement schemes are used for enhancing an image which includes gray scale manipulation, filtering and
more » ... togram Equalization (HE). Histogram equalization is one of the well known image enhancement technique. It became a popular technique for contrast enhancement because this method is simple and effective. This paper presents a review of histogram equalization techniques for image enhancement.
doi:10.9790/2834-0813841 fatcat:pplkcr2dcbdb7exzdh66eqsgkq