Isolation and quarantine during pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW: the operational experience of public health units

Philippa L. Binns, Vicky Sheppeard, Michael P. Staff
2010 NSW Public Health Bulletin  
During the DELAY and CONTAIN phases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza in NSW, public health units needed to rapidly surge operations to manage the 3070 potential cases and 1894 contacts notified to them. The Incident Control System, NetEpi (the web-based multi-user access database), training to up-skill surge staff, and electronic communication were all integral to the outbreak response. Ongoing identification and training of surge staff would assist a timely and effective response to future
more » ... ge scale outbreaks. Investing and incorporating information technology tools into routine public health unit business to assist with communication, outbreak management and reporting will improve familiarity and capability within the network to respond to public health emergencies.
doi:10.1071/nb09036 pmid:20374688 fatcat:4zjzssst4jhqloags3xtwjojt4