Intake Air Cooling with Model-Based Development

Kohta Suzuno, Tohru Hokazono, Kazuaki Narahara, Masaharu Marumoto, Kota Maekawa
2020 Mazda Technical Review  
This paper presents the development of intake air cooling with model-based development. Since the temperature of the intake air a ects the e ciency of internal combustion engine, the technology of intake air cooling could be a key factor for the realization of fuel-e cient cars and the greenhouse gas reduction. In this study, we develop novel technologies to lower the temperature of the intake air based on numerical simulations and the sensitivity analysis via the adjoint method. The e
more » ... s of these methods is validated through the measurement of the temperature of the intake air system in a test vehicle.
doi:10.34338/mazdagihou.37.0_86 fatcat:fj34g7j5bbgixlw5pbjvec2pem