The application of microcomputers for experimental control, data acquisition and analysis in a biophysics laboratory at the University of New South Wales [thesis]

David Anthony Shearer
DATESTR: 26-JUL-83 * *VERSION 1 : This is a total update from DJOSS. Thes~ routines are for * assembly on the OlegaSoft assembler. Free chain for s~quential * sectors is n~ checked and flagged in a more efficient manner. * Error numbers will correspond to those defined in the Nerve-Muscle *Research Centre Standard File Definition (Revision J). • * On FATAL errors (assumed to be program bugs) the fatal error Bessage * is displayed and the progr~ goes into an infinite loop AC will cause an *
more » ... upt with the address where the error occured in the stack pointers. * A debug routine called PRlNT will print the ~ach modul~ name on ~ntry * if it is enabled. S~e the routine PRINT< in this Bodule) to enable or *disable debug prior to asseBbling the ~odule. * * In all routines regs D,X,Y,U are saved on entry, and restored on exit * with function status pushed if neccessary.
doi:10.26190/unsworks/13399 fatcat:nmpz7hy7ozdhbfjfqkj2wc6td4