Several Considerations in Free Vascularized Fibular Head Grafting for Giant Cell Tumor of Distal Radius

Jae Hoon Lee, Duke Whan Chung, Chung Soo Han
2013 Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand  
Treatment of giant cell tumor of distal radius can be treated in several ways according to the aggressiveness of the tumor. The management of giant cell tumor involving subchondral bone of the distal radius has always been a difficult problem and whether preserving joint function should be considered. In these circumstances, wrist arthroplasty using free vascularized fibular head grafting can be considered as one of available options to preserve the wrist joint motion. However, the reports for
more » ... inal outcomes of wrist arthroplasty using vascularized fibular head have been variable and there have been several debates about its techniques. The purpose of this article is to discuss the several considerations in wrist arthroplasty using free vascularized fubular head graft for giant cell tumors of the distal radius.
doi:10.12790/jkssh.2013.18.4.189 fatcat:jvqfefoly5g6zmc3sn6mjbtv5m