Disrupting privatization: Enhancing Solo-cultural Interaction [post]

Adrain Man
2021 unpublished
As a product of rapid urbanization, residential developments are continuously proliferating in both density and scale. Driven by a capitalistic regime, Toronto's current high-density residential design is becoming homogenous in spatial planning and generating undistinctive spaces. With the existing programmatic configuration are internally and privately focused, these spaces lack the opportunity for community development and divers recreational amenities, transforming the dwelling to another
more » ... an Junkspace (non-place). By creating hybridized spaces that bridge private and public zones, this thesis proposes to generate spontaneous social activities and interactions within interstitial spaces. The new composed areas provide a dynamic living environment with direct access to shared recreational activities, integrated outdoor spaces, and creative community spaces, attracting an influx of users from the surrounding neighbourhood. Using strategies of shifting narratives, interstitial spaces, ambiguous voids, and integrated landscapes, the hybrid spaces reinvents the traditional monotony spaces and explores urban pluralism on both community and building level.
doi:10.32920/ryerson.14655474 fatcat:vqssw4zt5bffzlmd5dynoilxye