Down-costing of Tannery Waste Water Chromium Recovery Plants in Pakistan: A Case Study of Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Chromium Recycling Plant

Mohammad Khan, Khushnuma Naqvi
2014 IJISET-International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology   unpublished
Techno-economic evaluation of the Chromium Recycling Plant installed at Riaz Tanneries Kasur Pakistan was conducted as a case study in context of down-costing of chromium recovery plants in Pakistan. The primary data was collected taking responses against a questionnaire that was e-mailed to the executives of the tannery under study and subsequent conducting of interviews with the concerned officials. The collected data was computed, project cost designed and subsequently appraised to determine
more » ... the Net Present Value (NPV) and Benefit to Cost (B/C) Ratio of the Project applying the standard discounted cash flow techniques. The Pay Back Period (PBP) of the project was also determined. The evaluation presented B/C Ratio of 4.67, positive NPV of US$80,864 and payback period 100 days if the price of the recycled basic chromium sulfate is taken at par with that of fresh chemical from the market and the payback period was 245 days if the price of the recycled chemical is considered equal to half of the market price. The indices successfully meet the acceptance criteria laid down under the project appraisal rules. Thus, the installation of the chrome recycling plant at Riaz Tanneries is economically viable and environmentally beneficial. However, a number of external factors hamper the efficiency of recycling technology.