IT Educators and IT Adoption

Sharlett Gillard
2004 Proceedings of the 2004 InSITE Conference   unpublished
Technology is a constant stream of innovations. Thousands of products are introduced each year. Potential adopters, including IT educators, must determine the right time, if ever, to embrace these new developments and to integrate them into their curricula and/or personal professional endeavors. It is the contention of the author that with regard to the adoption of innovations that purport to improve preparation for and classroom delivery of curriculum, IT educators who teach primarily theory
more » ... asses must not be a laggard or part of the late majority, need not be an innovator, but should be an early adopter (preferably) or in the lead of the early majority. Further, adoption of IT innovations to improve professional goals and development should follow the same standard.
doi:10.28945/2807 fatcat:n6qqg2rt6rfqdo366grhiuzx3a