ISO9001:2015 改訂版を活用した中小企業経営力強化策 : 実在する中小企業の品質マニュアル改訂プロセスを通じて

小泉 國茂
Standard of quality management system ISO9001 established by International Organization for Standardization was translated into Japanese and published as JISQ9001 by Japanese Standards Association. Number of enterprises recognized by certification authority for ISO9001 significantly increased and reached 80 thousand from the 1994 to the 2006, although they dropped sharply to less than 50 thousand recently. The reason of increase was that major enterprises and local governments required the recognition of ISO9001 to small and medium enterprises.
doi:10.34382/00005220 fatcat:xkt7porl35harbcrvw5hso2mfu