Comparative seismic analysis study of G+ 20 story building with flat slab and conventional slab using ETABS

Mr. Nitish A. Mohite
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: In the study, three dimensional analytical models of G+20 story buildings have been generated and analysed using CSI ETABS software version 2016. The earthquake zone III in India is considered for buildings during analysis. Here, the analysis and design is done of G+20 story building with flat slab(with drops) and conventional slab system. In earthquake zone the displacement and drift of the structures will be more so to have more stiffness to the structure shear wall is to be
more » ... therefore a study is made by comparing between conventional slab & flat slab (with drops) building. Comparison of various parameters like story drift, story displacement, story stiffness and time period is done. The equivalent static method is used to design and analyze the structures, as categorized by Indian Standard Code for earthquake resistant structures. The study shows that story drift is 10% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab; story displacements is observed linearly increasing with height of the building and is 11% more in conventional slab as compared to flat slab . Keywords: Equivalent Static Method, Flat Slab, ETABS 2016, story displacement, story stiffness, story drift, time period
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.38751 fatcat:6euyxgcndzg53m67vg2mm4gsr4