Visual Metafunction of Multimodal Text Nabelken Gelar of Karonese Culture

Ernawati Br Surbakti, Yusnimar Yusnimar, Wahdaniah Wahdaniah
2020 Proceedings of the Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Languare, Literature, Culture and Education, ISLLCE, 15-16 November 2019, Kendari, Indonesia   unpublished
This qualitative research aims to describe visual metafunction of multimodal text nabelken gelar in Karo ethnic and to describe intersemiotic relations between verbal and visual text of nabelken gelar. Data were analyzed by using visual metafunction of Ideational, Interpersonal and Component of representation. Based on the result of analysis, It was found data of multimodal text in nabelken gelar. The data of multimodal text in nabelken gelar has (1) Ideational function such as Process (action,
more » ... verbal, analytical, symbolic, and mental), Participant including Participant I (actor, carrier, goal, senser and sayer) and Participant II (goal, symbolic attributive, and utterance), and Circumstance (place); (2) Interpersonal function consists of contact (demand and offer), social distance (intimate dan equality), and point of view (viewer power and represented participant power); (3) Textual function consists of information values (centred and new), salience (the contrast colours in ethnic clothes of father and mother, mat and Jambur tent border and also framing. Both verbal and visual texts in nabelken gelar contain messanges. Logic lntersemiotic relations between verbal and visual texts in transferring the meaning of multimodal text in nabelken gelar consist of repeating, comparative, additive, consequential (consequence and contingency). Keywords-Karonese culture, multimodal, visual metafunction, nabelken gelar (giving name to newborn baby).
doi:10.4108/eai.15-11-2019.2296473 fatcat:fqq57t5mqngarbcmq6ezr4d65y