Subcellular localization of the env-related glycoproteins in Friend erythroleukemia cells

D S Lyles, K A McConnell
1981 Journal of Virology  
A scheme was developed for the subcellula fractionation of murine erythroleukemia cells transformed by Friend leukemia virus. The subcellular localization of the env-related glycoproteins was determined by immune precipitation with antiserum against gp7O, the envelope glycoprotein of the helper virus, followed by gel electrophoresis. In cells labeled for 2 h with [35S]methionine, the glycoprotein encoded by the defective spleen focus-forming virus, gp55SFFv, was found primarily in the nuclear
more » ... action and in fractions containing dense cytoplasmic membranes such as endoplasmic reticulum. A similar distribution was noted for gp85en', the precursor to gp7O. The concentration of viral glycoproteins in the nuclear fraction could not be accounted for by contamination with endoplasmic reticulum. In pulse-chase experiments, neither glycoprotein underwent major redistribution. However, labeled gp85en" disappeared from intracellular membranes with a halftime of 30 min to 1 h, whereas labeled gp55SFFV was stable during a 2-h chase. In plasma membrane preparations with very low levels of contamination with endoplasmic reticulum, gp7O was the major viral env-related glycoprotein detected; a minor amount of gp55SFFv and no gp85env could be detected. The unexpected result of these experiments is the amount of viral glycoproteins found in the nuclear fraction. Presence of viral proteins in the nucleus could be relevant to the mechanism of viral leukemogenesis.
doi:10.1128/jvi.39.1.263-272.1981 fatcat:loom7s6cxvhhvf36zdhgxlh4bq