Assessment of Quality of Water: A Review

Ajit Arjun Patil
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Water is one of the precious natural resources present on the earth and it is very important for survival of flora and fauna. Quality of water is equally important to the quantity available. While considering of total percentage of water present on earth as 97% in ocean and 3% as a fresh water with considering glacier. Out of which 2 % as fresh water in the form of surface and subsurface water bodies and it usable for the human consumption. So when we consume water its quality measurements are
more » ... ecessary and management should be done in systematic path. Water quality is directly related to the physical, chemical, biological and radiological property of water . These properties of water are affected due to the pollution of water due to various human activities. Depend on the activities; disposal of pollutant in the water bodies are done that changes the standard quantity of parameters in water. There are various parameters which can be assess for measurement of quality of be generates Quality Index (WQI) is the quite popular method in water quality assessment. This can be told whole story of water in single scoring number and it is calculated using different methods. It is very helpful to decide appropriate treatment technique to meet the concern issue. In this paper, WQI and its development methods are discussed
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.6447 fatcat:hl5bjj27qjfivijsd75dlnzk7a