The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Young people letting their pas sions run wild has led to the se ries of sex crimes, believes Father Tierney, chaplain of the New man Club. He believes the Kinsey Report has done more harm than good, he said. He believes parents should I tell their children the facts ab o u tI sex instead of relying on education | in public schools. He said that the attempts to, teach children sex in public schools : had met with little success. Sex matters cannot be taught satisfactorily to large groups such as
more » ... in a class room, he emphasized. J This statement was made in re-i ply to a question pertaining to the i refusal of a Minnesota arch bishop to allow Catholic children to be taught sex in public schools.; The archbishop, John Gregory Murray, termed sex education as a "subject to be reserved for per-] sonal discussion between parent and child, physician and patient, confessor and penitent." Father Tierney said that stu dents in his classes generally want ed to know how to teach children sex. He said that parents could teach both too much and too lit tle sex. He said the practice in the Ca tholic church was to teach child-★ Sex Crime Laws Studied for Texas Bv the A eeoriated F ree s A committee revising the crimi nal code is making a thorough study of the sex crime law situa tion, Chairman Cecil Storey of Longview said Wednesday. ren individually through their par ents. Pamphlets are distributed to parents to help them present the facts to their children in a way that will satisfy their curiosity and still make an interesting story, he said. from parents, are not associated with evil as they are in other cases, he said. Father Tierney believes forma tion of vice habits comes from lack of self-control. He said that self control and self discipline should be stressed in the parent More Cold Today ' Eight, Twelve Senses' Says Dallenbach But Rain to Stop " Sex matters, when learned education of children. 'Door-step Baby' Discovered By Alpha Epsilon Phi Girls Problems of " door-step" babies have often cropped up in the funny papers, but for girls at the Alpha Epsilon Phi house it happened right at home. Checking the door of the house as 2504 Rio Grande late Tues day night, they found a squealing, wiggling wee one on the front porch. Wrapped in towsack, it presented disposal problems. Police were reluctant to take it, but finally Officer J. H. Briges took it down to headquarters. Wednesday morning, the infant was transferred to the city pound. Pigs-even baby ones-may have their place, but ifs not at the police station, said officers.
doi:10.26153/tsw/27477 fatcat:gb6tjj7s3bbk5ovpnflxyw4bdu