The Translation of Shakespeare's Sonnet Metaphors into Arabic

2014 Egyptian Journal of Linguistics Translation  
This paper embarks on the rendering of Shakespearean metaphors into Arabic. A comparison is made between 14 Shakespearean sonnets and two of their Arabic translations: one by Badr Tawfeeq and the other by Gabra Ibrahim Gabra. An attempt is made to identify and categorize the metaphors that are used in the original poems. This is followed by examining the procedures employed by the translators in rendering the metaphors into Arabic. Using Larson (1984)'s model as a frame of reference, an attempt
more » ... is made to recognize the procedures employed by the two translators in rendering the metaphors and to determine the frequency of these procedures in the translations.
doi:10.21608/ejlt.2014.224445 fatcat:zqz2uatfvrhvpgpjmlicecdreq