Il fiume nella città: una rete di esperienze a confronto

Enrica Campus
The European Commission promoted, within the context of the InterReg IIIC South program, "The RiverLink"s Project/Program". This particular program is undoubtedly an excellent occasion as an example for a sustainable river-city project. Six European cities are involved in this project: Florence, Bordeaux, Tallinn, Dresden, Seville and Bremen, coordinated by the Environment Direction of Florence. The complete aim of this project is the exchange of experiences and knowledge-base about the
more » ... nt of transformations of this particular urban framework of cities with a river, and the areas surrounding it. Partner cities displayed projects in an International Congress titled, "The River in the City: a networking of experiences to confront and discuss", that took place in Florence on June, 9th, 2006, and was organized by the Town Planning Department of Environment Direction of Florence Municipality.
doi:10.13128/rv-17450 fatcat:nrkpavymtzhf5attmn76yeevk4