The Multi-Rater System: An alternative parametric approach in determining Stakeholder Analysis and Influence

Dan H Kipley
2008 Journal of Management Research  
Much of the literature dedicated to stakeholder identification has been focused from a 'top-down' view as a determinant of analysis. In this paper, we develop, test, and provide evidence on a new conceptual stakeholder model extending the existing analysis methodology by utilizing a new framework that not only examines the robust interactions occurring between stakeholder groups, but confirms congruence on variables identifying power, influence, and resistance with the Conventional methodology.
more » ... Using data sampled from a faith-based university of nine hundred and twenty-six stakeholders representing seven stakeholders groups, the study confirms congruency exists between the Conventional and Multi-Rater systems. Additional results indicate a robust identification of stakeholder groups when using the Multi-Rater system which the Conventional system failed to reveal.
doi:10.5296/jmr.v1i1.9 fatcat:dgaishhstjfufkayx4wvs2q6iy