Human mate poaching and enticement processes revisited [post]

Etienne P. LeBel
2017 unpublished
This research project aims to extend prior evolutionary-based results of mate poaching and enticement. Several aspects of the mate poaching process have been not yet been studied. The relationship status of the poacher and the relationship context of the enticer have not been looked at empirically. Additionally, in Schmitt and Buss' (2001) study, some of the participants judging the effectiveness of poaching tactics had never been involved in a poaching situation, which would reduce confidence
more » ... n the validity of the data. My research question will explore previously unanswered aspects of the current research on mate poaching and enticement. More specifically, I ask two main questions. First, does the relationship status of the mate poacher have an effect on the mate poaching process? That is, does relationship status of the mate poacher affect the frequency of the poach attempts? Does relationship status affect which tactics one may employ to poach? Second, does relationship context of the one being poached affect the enticement process? That is, does relationship context (e.g. married, cohabiting, beginning, ending, etc.) affect the frequency or disguise tactic use of someone who is attempting to be poached? Humans will continue to attempt to protect individuals they share intimate interactions with. Thus, a better understanding of the human mate poaching and enticement process can only improve the way we approach and appreciate life.
doi:10.31219/ fatcat:xfswwhe3tnb3zh23mpmqluahvy