A Novel Method on Enhanced Video Security using Steganography

2020 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Security is imperative to individuals' key opportunity. In the course of recent decades with the headway of correspondence innovation the utilization of web has developed amazingly to trade data with no separation bearer. The most recent drama covers the threats against our technology infrastructures. The most challenging issue in the military network is that secure retrieval of confidential data. Information installing is the way toward implanting data in an information source without changing
more » ... its perceptual quality. Stenography is the method of thrashing a document, message, picture or video surrounded by another record, message, picture or video. In previous methods, usage of image and text as key produces low security and reversible data hiding as algorithm produces less compression ratio. In our paper we proposed a novel method for increasing the video security by using One Time Password (OTP) and voice key as password and improving compression rate by using Blind detection algorithm. The uses of blind detection algorithm includes greater computational accuracy, high flexibility and deliver faster execution by an estimated high PSNR value .In addition, this paper also includes compressing image, audio and video files and embedding into a single video.
doi:10.35940/ijrte.f9890.059120 fatcat:o5vvir6wgjdj3ei3zt4ouzb65q