
櫛田 達矢, 古崎 晃司, 増田 壮志, 建石 由佳, 渡邊 勝太郎, 松邑 勝治, 川村 隆浩, 高木 利久
JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG  
We attempted to predict biological functions for gene products and discover disease-related gene products using their concepts and relationships within the refined Japan Science and Technology thesaurus to investigate and evaluate the effectiveness and practicality of such a method. Thus, we inferred that 1600 or more concepts imply 100 or more biological functions, roles, and qualities using the inheritance approaches of the ontological structure, such as "is-a inheritance" and "part-of
more » ... tion". Moreover, we demonstrated that we could more efficiently and precisely discover disease-related gene products, such as thromboembolism-related gene products, using the knowledge graph that was constructed from the refined thesaurus than from the graphs constructed from the original thesaurus.
doi:10.11517/jsaisigtwo.2017.swo-043_08 fatcat:vgg3bphltbhd7pg5erhwzwjm3q